Saturday, January 30, 2010

sniff, sniff

It's weird how staying up late does nothing to me, but couple that with work and I fall sick almost instantly the next day. Downed honey water, Panadol's cold & flu hot remedy, difflam lozenges... The thing is, I've got work later and I've not entirely convinced myself if I should go. Imagine me sneezing in their faces or something -___-

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


This is a period of time where I feel busy, yet am in reality not so? Official lessons have been cut down to only every Friday and the pace of work has slowed down quite a bit. Perhaps it's why I overspent by $XXX (two to three times more than usual) this month. Will have to stop going out and contributing to the economy!

On another note, some room changes are about to happen but everyone doesn't have a common "free" time where we can get together and carry it out. >:( Oh well~

Hope you lovelies are all doing well! I've got to get back to work now.

Monday, January 04, 2010

christmas party, 09

After discovering the multi-timed shot function on Gen's camera, the fun began :) This was our second christmas celebration as a class and we soon realised that we only had one more christmas together in polytechnic. Time passes by really really quickly in polytechnic. I'm sure all of you have realised it. So although we've not been spending a lot of time together this semester due to the small number of classes we have to attend, I'm still glad that everyone turned up for this celebration in great spirits!

If only we could see these two men in the photo frame in the flesh! I think Gla Gla will hyperventilate and faint on the spot :) It was the next best thing I could give; pictures of them in frames. Since they aren't in 3D, at least it's 2D - something you can still touch! Haha.

Sunday, January 03, 2010

Hello 2010!

Our first photo of the year. I loved the fireworks! Not the crowd though.

Twenty ten, I hope that you'll treat me better than two thousand and nine did. Allow me to have more control over myself and my life, and to be happy and contented throughout the remaining three hundred and sixty two days. I want to have more good luck!

Went for countdown to the new year's with kong and yihui again for the fourth consecutive year. The number of people counting down together sure has dwindled over the years. I remember we went with the juniors in a huge group previously! The fireworks felt less magical than they did last year though. Might be due to the pesky kid in front of me and some of the annoying people standing around. But all in all, it was nice. Loveee you girls. Let's do this again next year~