Monday, April 19, 2010

mild rambling

i've been itching to get my hands on this camera but can't figure out if the price is justifiable. the saying that "money is never enough" is really true. you may catch yourself saying that you would purchase something if you had the means to.

but come to think of it, once you have that amount of money (and more!) at hand, won't you then be looking at something else even more expensive and unattainable? that's why choices have to be made. and that's why i have to make a choice before i drive myself nuts thinking about things like these that shouldn't really matter.

on a brighter note, i've started picking up and remembering the locations of hotels in singapore. not all, but major ones located in the central area. that's useful knowledge that can always be carried with me :)

hmm, and work has been filled with one mistake after another (mostly minor, i hope) but all these add up to experience for me. after all, no one wants to make the same error twice and i definitely try to learn my lesson during the first time round! the key work here is try. when things get busy and you have to multi-task while your mind is distracted, there are so numerous opportunities for errors to occur. it's as though they're all waiting there to ambush you. -___-

Thursday, April 08, 2010

What else is new?

Okay! I managed to recover the internet after making a phone call to the singnet technical helpline. Apparently something went wrong and the internet wasn't able to connect properly since several days back. >______<

Anyway, I don't have much to say about work. There are times which are stressful (stemming from lack of knowledge and experience), times when I feel bad and times where I feel alright. Still prefer being with people my age though, it's much easier to get along with them. This is why I enjoy working at the restaurant.. everyone seems to click pretty well.

But what I've experienced kind of illiterates the point that what we study/learn in school is never quite applied in work. It's more of a mere preparation than anything.

I'll be going off to bed now. Good night. Hopefully it won't take me too long time to return with another entry.