Saturday, July 31, 2010


I'm just a bored and lonely person who doesn't have much to do.. spent my entire waking time (except for mealtimes) on the internet doing mindless stuff. Feel kinda guilty since I have a pending report to write -____-

Sometimes I wonder if it's because I'm already familiar with the place that I'm staying that I don't bother venture out anymore. My off days are all spent in pretty much the same manner; waking up late without the aid of an alarm, then sitting in front my of laptop for the remainder of the day. It's only every other week that I'll make a trip down the the salvation army or the library by myself.

The days felt different in Zhuhai, somewhat. Being surrounded by friends in a all-new environment made everything seem like an adventure. Even going to the supermart to buy groceries and washing clothes seemed fun! I can still recall the time when we went to take a walk around the university campus, discovering how all the buildings linked up.. how the library building was modelled after an open book with the tall staircase in the middle being the 'book spine' and the 1.3km-long classroom block that resembled a ruler.

Wish to snap out of this routine and go on outings to unusual places. Maybe I will someday when I grow tired of sitting around alone at home. My eyesight's already becoming worse with all the screen-staring that I'm doing :(

Monday, July 26, 2010

frame it up

I guess focusing on work and nothing much else isn't good for me. Headaches have been coming and going much more frequently. I've been having sudden fever more often then usual too.

Much as I'd like to blame all of this on the weather (rain-flood-sun-hottt), I'm aware that I've not been taking good care of my body. Gone are the days where I still manage to go for an evening jog after work, or rush to f&c for a short 3.5hr shift upon spending appx 8hr in the office. Am I not still a teenager? Why am I always, always so tired?! Hmm..

The other day, I experienced the heaviest rain ever. (Discounting the typhoon in Zhuhai, of course.) Standing in the middle of a covered building (first floor of the SG flyer) apparently wasn't enough to keep dry as water was spilling in from all over the place.

What an experience! I felt sorry for the guests going for the bird park, zoo and sentosa since there was no way they could have hidden from the pouring rain. -_____-

Sunday, July 18, 2010

soothe the soul

LX5! I can't wait till it's properly announced and all. With the price of its predecessor hopefully falling following this release, I might finally have the heart to spend my money on the little monster that I've had my eyes on since last december.

One thing I like about off days (and I'm sure many of you will agree with this), is getting to wake up without the aid of an alarm. I surprise myself with this sometimes. While I usually only get up at around 11.30am ~ 1pm, there still are certain days where I start my activities at 9.30am.

Tomorrow is yet another off day & I feel bored thinking about how I'll be spending the day alone again. But it's okay!

Anyway, I can feel a headache coming along. Am gonna leave you with this song cover by Yoseob & Gayoon. I really like the song and just discovered that the lyrics are just as sweet as the melody!

Going to lie on my bed right after this. Goodnight (:

Monday, July 12, 2010

b&w film grain effect

Today's a rather odd day; a Sunday which didn't feel like one at all cause I was working as per normal. Urgh, 11 hr workdays are rather tiring. While others usually claim off days in lieu after adding up OT hours but in my dept, we simply claim extra pay. Which means this extended working hour thing goes on and on... without any stop in sight.

Anyway. Earlier on, I discovered rainymood which essentially is a website which plays the sound of rain. It sounds incredibly realistic and I turned my head to the windows several times to check the weather! Listening to it makes me soo sleepy & I was going through 태양's "Solar" album which features relaxing r&b-style songs. So yup, I'm glad to be going to bed in a good mood :)

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift.

Here's an image of my side of the room taken minutes ago. It's so nice and cosy when my flower wall lamp is turned on (yes, it's the white blob on the right). Thank you Fion for getting it for me :) I have two of those now, but the other one is still in my brother's room.

Thursday, July 08, 2010

grandmother theories

I'm having too much fun reading blogs of others who live overseas to want to update my own. I love the internet for so easily opening up this amazing world to ordinary people!

Oh, and the tw trip is confirmed to be on its way. The thought of a getaway is quite exciting, but it's still more than a month away. Plenty of time to give it more thought!

Something happened today,

My grandpa is pretty old and he can't balance well. According to my grandma, he fell while attempting to find/put on his bedroom slippers in the morning & suffered a large gash on the forehead as a result. Several hours & lots of bleeding later, he got 4 stiches to close up the cut.

When I came home, he was lying in bed eating his medication. So I asked him, "does your head hurt?" (Rough hokkien translation:Eh hiao tia mai) and he candidly answered, "buay, buay" (not at all?) My grandma then retorted that it was because he/his skin was old and can't feel the pain anymore. (O_O?!!!) Are you sure that's how old age works? Anw, it's best not to refute her theory since she's an elderly person too. LOL!

Hope that my ah gong gets well soon!!!!! When he falls it's hard for him to get back up so it's rather worrying...

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

why i can't sleep

  • weather: too warm!
  • status: sitting in room perspiring
  • mood now: too warm to think

annoying weather

Had dinner with gla gla & I'm glad for the catch up session :) Survive well through the remainder of your time there! Fighting!

One and a half more months till internship ends, and to the submission of the final report too. I'm eagerly looking forward to the holiday but not the written report :( It's always so hectic in the day that the time spent at home is very much cherished. Thus, it would be ideal not to have the impending deadline + report looming overhead like a dark cloud!

Am looking at another camera at the moment & am sorely tempted to get it. But the upcoming Taiwan trip is going to be a money-burner, I just know it. It prolly isn't advisable to "invest" in something else at the same time. However! What's a trip without something to capture the memories, right? Decisions, decisions..