I'm done with quite a few assignments & projects for this semester but there's still 2 more to go! Both due around two days later ~_~
Anyway, I'd like to say a hugeee SORRY to my classmates and project group mates for being perpetually late. It's a really really bad habit I know & I'm still in the midst of searching for a solution to getting rid of this behaviour for good! Blame it on my lack of self-discipline... I don't feel the sense of urgency at all even if I am very behind time~
You should take a look at all my receipts for taxi rides; the total cab fare for my several-times-a-week taxi rides are rather hard to imagine? Hahaha, let's just say that the opportunity cost is pretty high 0__0
It's National Day & a Sunday but guess what, I'll be spending the day in school with my dear projectzzz (& mates :D). Wish me luck for the completion of both the ATRM & LAM projects!
Back to work now, 안영 ^^