Friday, October 16, 2009


I'm back home! To my room, my bed, the sweet smells of Singapore. I swear, the air really does smell different here. It's a familiar smell I can't quite describe, but it's definitely nice :) And I realized that I came home to a bit of emptiness. The house's pretty quiet and according to my sister, she's usually alone at home so I can anticipate that for the rest of the near future, it will just be me and my grandparents at home in the daytime.

When I came back last night, I was filled with this sense of sadness. Perhaps because my family members were saying how much they were missing me (just as I missed them too) but after giving out all the presents and coming up to my room, everyone seemed to disappear. Back to where they were from, back to where they have to go. And I haven't seen them since. Reminds me of how everyone just goes about with their lives, whether or not you're around.