Friday, June 18, 2010


Here I am back at my blog again after a hiatus. I guess working really does take the life out of me. Thank goodness this is only for 6 months and not for years (or the rest of my life, even)! Somehow or the other, things fell into a simple routine. Which would have been okay if there's something to look forward to at the end of the day but sadly, that's not how my life is now :(

Ending work means going home to watch television with my super chatty grandma. (She doesn't have many people to talk to, so she crams all her conversations in with me? Ha) On some days, I end up closing my eyes for a moment and wake up finding that it's past midnight already :O

Even the amount of time spent with my siblings is dwindling to almost nil. Around twice a week I have dinner with my brother at home. Once a week, I have a long conversation with my sister in our room. But is that really enough? Oh well.

The thoughts of moving back into the small room in April is already giving me claustrophobic thoughts. Two people back in a space large enough only to accommodate one bed. And both 3 years older since the last time we stayed there. - ___ -

* * * *
For now, I'm looking forward to the trip overseas with my classmates. Is it still going to materialise? I really hope so! It'll be a nice break...

And here's a picture from our dinner meeting that day. Thank goodness we were "forced" to take pictures, lol. Makes for a much better means of remembering the occasion :)