Friday, January 18, 2013

Birmingham diaries,

Just got back to the hostel after a trek back from the train station along a frozen canal. It was snowing and the surroundings were absolutely beautiful. Someone even commented that it looked like Narnia. To me, the scene appeared to be straight out of a postcard. :)

Earlier on in the afternoon, I was still freezing due to the crazy strong wind which was blowing snow in our faces. You should have heard us complain about getting snow in our eyes and accidentally inhaling/swallowing snowflakes! Luckily, the weather was more pleasant in the evening which made the walk back so lovely. Some of the guys were commenting that it's quite sad that a bunch of us are here without our better half(s) cause the wintry weather is so romantic. I agree, it really is. Imagine a scene where you're quietly strolling hand in hand on a crunchy, snowy path with light snow falling in the dim light. Or playing/trying to catch the falling snow. Awww.

Anyway, it's been a pretty long day and I'm super tired. So here's just a few words to sum up my stay in Birmingham thus far: cold weather / lots of walking / always thinking of food / grocery shopping = heavy bags *sadface / sales and lovely cheap shopping (think Primark!).

Will be back soon to post more!