Monday, November 03, 2008

tell me that it's all a bad dream & wake me up, pls

I just had the worst day, ever. Don't think that anyone else's can top mine. Careless mistakes, really.

It's my fault for having such a idiot-proof pin and my fault for leaving my belongings unattended. Fine. But where are your morals? If I recognise you people, imma gonna fight you. fight fight fight. $_$

Having a headache now due to today's jeopardy of events. Plus my tutorials + lecture notes are gone too, omg. Totally not in the mood to redo them and i don't think that I will. Sorry Voer Uit );

Anyway, a shout out to Seetoh & Oli. Thanks for the accompaniment today. Don't know what I would have done if I was alone, seriously. A sincere word of thanks to you two! And thank you Oli for waiting with me till me dad came to fetch me. I appreciate it (; Daohui, hope you're feeling fine. We'll get through this together.