Sunday, July 03, 2011

how do you like your eggs in the morning?

I finally returned to have brunch at Cafe Epicurious after ending my relations with them (hahaha). Collected my pay, and sat down to enjoy the food. Yum yum! Have been dying to try their eggs benedict since reading about it months ago. Many food bloggers rave about eggs benedict but I didn't yet understand the hype about it.

However, the previous time when I went to the Robertson Quay outlet, they had ran out of poached eggs. True enough that while working at the Rail Mall outlet, the chef would give me a poached egg once in a while as a treat and I'll eat it with salt and pepper but it wasn't the same, cause it wasn''t with the accompanying ingredients for eggs ben (as we call it over there).

So I ordered "half of this and half of that", which consists of a small portion of baked eggs portion (aka baked eggs and soldiers) and a single portion of eggs benedict. How nice is it to get to try 2 different dishes on the same plate? (:

Maybe my expectations for the eggs ben were too high, but I found that I actually enjoyed the baked eggs more. Must have been the bacon (which is my favourite food) in it! The OJ was unexpectedly good as well, which shouldn't have came as a surprise since I knew from working there and peeling the oranges every thurs/fri that they used whole oranges to make the freshly squeezed juice.

After finishing up the meal, dex was eager to leave straight after as always but I managed to make him sit down and just chit chat. I know some people like him don't have the habit of staying at the dining place/restaurant and chatting after, but it's one of the things I really enjoy and am used to doing, especially with my family. Somehow, the mood's always better and words flow more easily when you're satisfied with the meal!