Sunday, April 20, 2014

Twenty-three and counting

Last Monday, I celebrated my second consecutive birthday spent overseas. Last year, I was in UK heading towards the Lake District for a camp. It was truly a special adventure to be out there amongst numerous sheep where a lake, mountains and forested areas were. This was closely followed by a month-long backpacking trip around Europe before finally setting foot on Singapore ground again. It was easily the most memorable travel experience of my life. This year, the day was spent attending classes in a prestigious university in Korea, having Jajangmyeon (짜장면) for lunch and spending time with lovely friends. In Korea, 14th April is also Black Day or singles' day which explains my first bowl of jajangmyeon here. Kings and my family planned a little surprise for me through Skype as well, and it made me feel really happy and loved :')

I've always wanted to study overseas so these experiences are truly a dream come true. There are countless times where the realization of being overseas strikes and it feels rather surreal that I'm really here: living and creating new memories outside of sg. There's no greater feeling in me now other than thankfulness. Thankful to my family for the support, thankful for the opportunity to be out here, just so thankful for everything. And while there were important matters which made me seriously consider flying home for the weekend (but ultimately couldn't due to short notice), I'm glad that technology has allowed me to constantly stay updated and in touch with those back home. Let's stay strong ♥