Wednesday, February 04, 2009

time's flying

Well, BA_Comm finally held the Motion TV event on 23rd January. The turn-out for this event was very small. Still, it was enjoyable. Nothing beats seeing your own (group's) creation on the large screen! :D I know my laptop's screen quite large already, but still.. the one in the lecture theatre is definitely much larger. Hahahha.

So here's a photo of all the TR03 folks present at this event [minus fei], thanks for dropping by! And good job to Cab & Fion on your video as well as to Edison for the lights & sounds (??).

"So You've Got Nothing To Wear?" actually won 2 awards; best video concept & best audience choice. However, we passed on the latter award to Cab & Fion's group cause we really felt that it was pretty much a class effort! Be proud of your creation, because the rest of us are. (: I really liked how you guys introduced the Reality TV video too!

Yep and I think I mentioned having the font desk practical for HOM right? Here's a class photo from that day. Everyone's dressed so smartly and looked good!

Lastly, I'd like to give a shout out to the 3 girls. Not sure if you guys still visit here but I'd like to say that I miss all of you and hope that you all are coping well with your studies at the moment. It's a stressful year ahead, so buckle up for this bumpy ride! I'll always be here if you need a listening ear :) Take care, my dears!