Tuesday, March 31, 2009

what to do...

It's my "off" day tomorrow and there's no need to work or return to school for activities. So.. I'll be going to get an injection tomorrow for typhoid vaccination :(

My memories of getting injections are pretty much limited to primary school and secondary school days, where everyone queues up and stands in line to wait for their turn. I guess what will be different this time round for me is that there won't be my classmates/friends around anymore, and it'll just be me alone. I'll admit, this prospect's pretty darn scary.

有时出门的时候,心中有个 “checklist” 才会感到踏实一点: 想要做什么,去哪里,全部都预先计划好。这就是每当我一个人出门时爱做的一个习惯!不然,一个人没目标的在外头徘徊也会感到怪怪的。现在快要十八岁的我。。。 独自到外走走还有点不自然的感觉,是不是个奇怪的现象呢?

Hahahaha. It's so awkward trying to form sentences in Chinese while writing. My command of the language has been focused at speaking and reading recently, such that writing has become a bit of a problem :S