Sunday, January 30, 2011

quick update

Taking a short break from work for a quick update on my here. Managed to get free tickets (thanks, Aunty Joyce!) for SS3 which I attended just now! Didn't regret going although suju isn't among my favourite boy bands. They're a really fun group and did so much fan service! Taking fan's cameras to take photos (sungmin!) and they had all sorts of antics. Pretty cute :)


during the concert. see all the blue light sticks! and the amazing stage~

Random pictures from a few nights ago;

My brother who hates facing the camera...

and me with my always-featured hippue!

I'm going to bed now, goodnight~ I swear all the reports are tryna crack my head open :( Actually had plans to go shopping for cny clothes tomorrow but had to cancel cause of school work! Meh, not the first time reports have gotten in the way. It doesn't bother me that much, but I feel really bad for the ever-so-free him who always has to accommodate and put up with my tight schedule. Sorry!