Monday, May 26, 2014

Halfway mark, checked

Just popping by to update with some extracts from slides I done up for my speech done today done for Korean speaking class! Had a busy weekend having just finished up a 8 page report on leadership, preliminary research and brainstorming for a group project and the korean speech. Nights like yesterday's I'll always remember, staying up till 4am sitting on my room floor tracing, trimming and cutting pattern paper as well as muslin for my clothing construction homework. Then pricking myself numerous times with the silk pins when pinning the pieces together -__- That feeling of accomplishment when you finally get your work done is really rewarding. But as an after-effect of it all, I'm exhausted right now and am all ready hop into bed at 8:50pm. 

Still left with too much more to complete by next Monday! After then, a week of break before the finals roll in~ I'll be home after exams and about 2 weeks of traveling. Time really does fly!!!