Saturday, December 18, 2010

11 NOV & 4/2

A week ago, my upper secondary class had a gathering. It it was refreshing to see everyone again since the last time I met up with them was during chinese new year. Come to think of it, social media is really important for keeping track of friends. How many of your own outings were organized through facebook?

And for those whom I've not seen since graduation (weiyao and perry), keeping track of their faces through fb made me not-so-shocked when I saw them again. Hahah.

Made use of the toilet break to take a few photos..

With clara and qi'en!

Time for me to focus on attention on the @^#&!* RMTR report again. Srsly can't wait till I submit the completed report at lvl 9. Will be heading to another bbq gathering later, for my lower secondary class. Think the turnout will be even smaller though..